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Phil Hubbard 

Philip Hubbard is Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and Director of the English for Foreign Students Program at Stanford University. A professional in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) for over 30 years, he has published in the areas of CALL theory, research, methodology, evaluation, teacher education, learner training, and listening. He served on the task force that developed the TESOL Technology Standards and is associate editor of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Language Learning & Technology. His recent projects focus on CALL as a transdisciplinary field, teacher support for informal language learning, and teaching reflectively with technology. In support of teacher education, he developed and maintains the website An Invitation to CALL: Foundations of Computer Assisted Language Learning at


Fei Victor Lim

Dr Fei Victor LIM is Assistant Professor at the English Language and Literature Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. He teaches and researches on multiliteracies, multimodal discourse analysis and digital technology at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr Lim is passionate about education and its value in improving in both personal and societal well-being. He believes that literacy education must be future-oriented and progress with the evolving contemporary communication landscape. Dr Lim has published more than thirty journal articles, book chapters, and professional articles. His work has appeared and has been cited in international publications. Victor has also been invited to present on his work all around the world. Dr Lim has experience as Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator of research grants totaling over half a million USD.


Yuen Yi Lo

Dr Yuen Yi LO is an Associate Professor in the Division of English Language Education of the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. She is also the Deputy Director of the Master of Education programme. She received her doctorate at the University of Oxford and had previously worked at the Hong Kong Education University. Her research interests include bilingual education, Medium of Instruction policy and code-switching. In recent years, she has been investigating how to enhance the effectiveness of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) through cross-curricular collaboration. Her research has been published in Review of Educational Research, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Language Teaching Research and Language and Education.

Keynote Speakers

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