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本次研討會結合學科內容與語言整合學習(CLIL)、數位科技輔助英語學習(digital technology)和多模態教學(multi-modality)之議題,邀請美國、新加坡和香港學者,期能從美國和亞洲觀點交流不同語境下英語教學議題,借鏡鄰國經驗,為台灣英語教學轉向與創新注入新思維。誠摯邀請您參與此盛會,為台灣英語教學界帶來新的觀點與能量。
This conference will bring together scholars from the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong who specialize in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), digital technology-assisted English learning and multi-modality. It will facilitate the forum for international and local scholars to share and exchange views and experiences from American and Asian perspectives. You are sincerely invited to attend and enrich this conference, leading to fostering innovative ideas for English teaching in Taiwan.
論文主題 Conference Topics:
Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL)
Digital Technology Learning
Interdisciplinary Research on CLIL and Digital Technology Learning
重要日期 Important Dates:
Conference Date:29-31 May 2019 (Wed.~Fri.)
Registration:22 April 2019 to 22 May 2019
專題講者 Keynote Speakers:
Phil Hubbard, Senior Lecturer and Director at Stanford University
Fei Victor Lim, Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University
Yuen Yi Lo, Associate Professor at University of Hong Kong
會議地點Conference Venue:
國立臺北商業大學行政大樓 8樓 音樂廳
Concert Hall(8F),Administration Building,
National Taipei University of Business,Taipei,Taiwan
主辦單位Conference Organizer:
國立台北商業大學 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages,
National Taipei University of Business
協辦單位Conference Co-Organizers:
國立台北商業大學 管理學院
College of Management,
National Taipei University of Business
國立台北商業大學 研究發展處
Research and Development Division,
National Taipei University of Business
Ministry of Science and Technology
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